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Data Centers

Home Data Centers

Due to the growing complexity arising from the rapid evolution of cloud and edge computing, data center transformation is a given. Kaizen Techno Solutions LLP help clients build reliable, robust and resilient data centers that not only help in keeping pace with the rapid adoption of new technologies, but also address the growing risks and security concerns.

The data center services are designed to help sustain growth, reduce risk and transition smoothly to a modern data center through simplified management and streamlined operations. The services include Storage, Unified Computing, Virtualization, Backup and Recovery, Data Center Networking and Private Cloud. The company uses industry standards and best practices based on ITIL service delivery guidelines, as well as ISO and IEC operational specifications to ensure high-quality operations.


To tackle today’s data explosion—be it from resource-hungry applications or growing mission critical data—Kaizen Techno Solutions equips organizations with the right kind of infrastructure. Depending on business needs, our clients can choose from a vast array of storage solutions.

Unified Computing

The Kaizen Techno Solutions LLP’ Unified Computing System is a next generation data center platform that integrates computing, networking and storage resources to increase efficiency of IT operations and enable centralized management. The solution allows clients to easily provision and deploy servers and manage sprawl, processor and memory hungry applications. It also enables organizations to decrease power, heating, cooling and cabling costs.


The Virtualization Service enables clients to right-size the capacity, resiliency and efficiency of their data centers. Organizations can also have increased security & administrative control of the data centers and reduced costs as they will be able to run multiple virtual machines with a single physical machine through virtualization and joint solutions with VMWare. The IT staff will be able to manage double or triple the numbers of servers, while retaining centralized control. Thus, virtualization makes IT operations more efficient and effective, while increasing service availability.

Backup & Recovery

The Backup and Recovery Services reduce project risk by managing complexity, costs as well as the schedule, while helping the clients meet critical application needs for their businesses. Kaizen Techno Solutions LLP uses specialized data migration techniques for a seamless movement of applications and data, while reducing risk and unplanned outages. The company also assists with upgrades, installation and systems testing and equipment modification besides 24/7 data monitoring. We also proactively monitor each and every backup.

Data Centers Networking

The company’s country-wide infrastructure and data centers along with integrated networks help clients achieve growth efficiently. Tailored to meet business needs and out comes, the data center networking solution not only enhances the performance of applications across all devices at all locations, but also provides the ability to deploy new applications to all locations within the domain. Kaizen Techno Solutions LLP also has pervasive security measures that protect client applications, infrastructure, data, users and devices from any kind of fraud.

Private Cloud

The company’s Private Cloud Service provides data center infrastructure, dedicated cloud computing hardware, dedicated cloud computing software with full (or sole) administrative control, and 24/7 live on site technical support. The emphasis is on creating an enterprise-grade architecture, with the speed, flexibility and full control of the private cloud. The company’s specialists help organizations move their apps as-is to the Cloud; re-factor them for use in development and application workload models; build open, cloud-native apps and run them anywhere; and open up enterprise data centers to work with cloud services.

Get In Touch

Thakkar House, A-25 Castle Mill,
Opp, Meenatai Thakrey Chowk,
Thane(W), Maharashtra 400601


+91 80808 606040

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